Our Certification
OrangeBio bio resin blends are backed by 20 years of research and development plus a wide range of patents and certifications.
Our plants operate on international practices and are accredited to be Amfori BSCI Producer, with an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons. OrangeBio bags have received US Standard ASTM D6400 from BPI and the European Standard EN13432. These bags have also been awarded TÜV AUSTRIA OK Compost INDUSTRIAL and HOME Certifications. OK Compost Home is one of the world’s only home composting certifications. Thus, they can be fully composted in municipal, industrial, backyard facilities, and home composting units. They are also RoHS compliant for environmental protection and meet FDA for food safety.
It is important to note that most so-called bioplastics in the marketplace without such certifications are not truly biodegradable. To regulate the market, the State of California enacted into law a requirement that products sold in California must meet the ASTM D6400 specification to claim any “biodegradable qualities.” In fact, the state now requires the word “compostable” to be used to define a product’s ability to decompose.
An initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA) to integrate social compliance and monitor and assess workplace standards across the global supply chain.
Denotes certification by Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) for use in commercial and municipal composting facilities, in compliance with U.S. standard ASTM D6400.
Denotes European certification for use in commercial and municipal composting facilities.
Denotes certification by TÜV Austria OK Compost Home and Industrial as 100% degradable in both commercial composting facilities and backyard and home composting units. OK Compost Home is one of the world’s only home composting certifications.